Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Thanksgiving Extravaganza

Thanksgiving- I must admit I have never experienced a Thanksgiving quite like this one. Why? Well for a few reasons. One, I was in charge of a lot of things for a big Thanksgiving gathering, that’s a first. Two, I had to cook the turkey-ha I will get to that. Three, it was the first Thanksgiving away from my family. God was good and taught and reminded me a lot through the whole event. 

About a week before Thanksgiving, a group from church came over to help get some projects done for Thanksgiving. That was a HUGE help!! I am learning when you are in charge of something, it doesn’t mean you have to do everything. 
The day before, we went over to set up, which turned out to be a little creative too. We had planned to have Thanksgiving at the pastor’s house because there is a better set up for more people. However, a water leak had caused the house to be under construction. Therefore, we moved over to the mission house. Everything worked out just fine; I actually just kind of laughed about all of the changes. Flexibility is not just important in teaching ministry but in ministry as a whole. 

A litter nervous about the
whole turkey thing

Thursday morning I went over bright and early to put the turkey in the oven, and later a chicken too. Now as a 23 year old, cooking a turkey for an event of over 30 people...well it’s a little intimidating to say the least! Praise God it turned out, and I thanked Him for that from the depths of my heart.
We had about 35 people who came. Some people were normal attenders to the English service, some were the leaders from the Spanish side, and some were guests. It was one great big mix of people, which I thought was pretty cool. Now everything didn’t go perfectly...we had some glitches with sound for the music part and such things, but I think overall things went well, and God blessed. 

Everyone eating!

I don’t think I sat down very long the whole day, and I honestly don’t think I ate that much, but that goes with the territory of looking after things. Though there are things I could have done better, I did enjoy the process and being able to serve in this way. I think growing up with missionary gatherings for Thanksgiving and Christmas instilled in my heart the joy of getting a large group together. God really does use all things, even childhood memories. 

Having some fun cleaning up :) 

At the end of the day, I was extremely tired! One of the church leaders looked at me and told me to go home and sleep...which I eventually did. I was able to talk to my family throughout the day as well. I must admit I missed them a lot. God has provided a wonderful church family here in Cuenca, but I missed the encouragement and fellowship of my family. That did produce a more thankful heart for the family God has given me, and that keeps me praying for them. In being away from my family, I know God has helped me know Him better and lean on Him in a deeper way. This is where God wants me, and for those reasons, I actually praise God for having me be so far away. I need to know the Lord as my protecter and provider and trust Him with all things.

Now, I have two more weeks of work, and the CHRISTMAS BREAK!!! I am not excited about that at all ;) The Lord has brought other things along my path that I need to pray through, so if God lays it on your heart, I would appreciate prayers for clear direction. Sunday my pastor preached on Psalm 23, and I was deeply encouraged that God is my Shepherd that is always at work in the life He has given me. He will guide, and I just pray that I have a soft heart to follow what He wants. 

 Surely or only goodness, mercy, and unfailing love shall follow me all the days of my life, and through the length of my days the house of the Lord [and His presence] shall be my dwelling place.

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