Tuesday, July 31, 2012

God's Timing

"As for God, His way is perfect." That verse is found in Psalm 18, and as I was praying this morning the Spirit brought it to mind. In the last month I have seen God's perfect timing in my life, and I have truly been humbled to watch Him work (I do apologize I have written lately, my goal is to be more consistent!)
I finished my class a few weeks ago, by God's grace :) It was a very time consuming class, usually 12-15 hour days, but it was worth it. I now have a better idea of the difference of teaching English in the States and teaching English as a second language. I still have a lot to learn for sure, but God knew that I needed to be in the class. Even after a short month, I was sad to say goodbye to my students.
After our class was done, we headed to the coast for a week. All I can say is BEAUTIFUL. I have never really spent time on Ecuador's coast, but the beaches and landscape were simply breathtaking-made me in awe once again of God's creation. Oh and we visited an island, and on the way back from the island we did some whale watching. We got up,close, and personal with the whales! I cannot express to you how amazing it was to see a whale so close (I could have touched it!).
We stayed at nice hostel that had a walkway out to the beach. That was one of my favorite parts. I was able to spend some good time walking, jogging, and praying on the beach. Oh, and the local dog always accompanied me! Kind of made me want a dog :)
One of the biggest blessings was that I was able to share my testimony with one my classmates. We went walking on the beach for a while one morning, and God clearly opened the door for me to share with her what God has done in my life. Thank you to those of you who were praying for opportunites-God answered that prayer.  I hope and pray to have more opportunities in the days and months to come.
After our time in the coast, my classmates headed home to the USA. I flew to Quito (the capital) to wait for my dad.
While I was in Quito, I spent some time with the couple I lived with last summer; they are like another older brother and sister to me. God knew I needed some time with them. I spent a lot of time with Cris talking about the positives and challenges of living in Cuenca. I know this is where God wants me, but I have to learn to stand on my own two feet, even with Christian friends. Sometimes there is a not a lot of spiritual encouragement for people my age. I truly believe that's one reason I am here, but I have to be strong in the Lord to make the decisions and life habits He wants.
It has simply been WONDERFUL to have my dad here! Once again, God's timing was and is perfect. I've spent a lot of time talking and walking with my dad. We've spent a lot of time in prayer, and we've seen God at work already! The biggest thing has been with my apartment.
My friend has connections with the man who wanted to rent an apartment. He is not a believer, but we were praying for a chance to share the Gospel with him through the process. Once again God answered that prayer! Because this man has catholic background, my dad was easily able to share his testimony with him. We actually emailed my dad's Bible studies to him, and my dad is going to meet with him again on Friday-please please pray for that, that God would draw this man to salvation. Even when my dad is only here for two weeks, he manages to set up Bible studies :)
Oh yes and by the way, I have an apartment now! I am so thankful to God for it. The apartment comes with everything I would need in the kitchen, two beds, and a dinning room table. Ha I do need some furniture, but I'll get there. The first month I will probably be the only one living there, but the goal is that one of my friends will move in in September. My other friend wants to move in, but it's just a question of money. I'm just leaving that in God's hands for now. Oh and I forgot to mention the view-SPECTACULAR! The window looks over the whole city of Cuenca :)
Hopefully that gives you a little idea of what God has been doing. Right now my biggest prayer is to find the church where God wants me. I have some options, and I am going to start visiting some churches. Please pray with me about that- I need a church family, but I just don't know where God wants me.
I am loving being in Cuenca and loving having my dad here.Our God is so good.

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