Monday, April 2, 2012

The Start

Ruth-It’s long been a story that my dad has loved (hence my middle name), but it was not until a few years ago that God really started to use that Scripture to mold my life. It all started in Spain.
I traveled to Spain to finish part of my student teaching in the Spring of 2010. Although it was a wonderful experience, I struggled with being so far away from everyone and everything I knew. In that time period, I read through the book of Ruth. I was impressed by Ruth’s determination to do what was right despite the hard circumstances. I wanted to follow God like that. Some of the teachers in Spain started to ask me if I would consider coming back. That scared me, but I asked God to make me open to what He wanted.  I didn’t see Him leading me back to Spain, but I also prayed and asked God if He would want me overseas, that He would send me some place where I would be able to serve with people that are like family. 
I returned to the States and graduated, but I was at a loss to what God wanted me to do. I tried to get into grad school but that fell through. I started to look into subbing, but as I was in the process of filling out applications, I received a call from my christian high school. Long story short, they offered me an assistant position with the 4th grade class that year. I was thrilled-God was answering prayer. 
As a random, fun idea for my classroom, I put up Spanish words on the board every few days. My students loved learning the words, so much so that other teachers started to ask me why I didn’t look into getting my Spanish endorsement. I had never considered that before, but I started looking into it. 
As I began the work needed to get a Spanish endorsement, my dad came up with the idea for me to go to Ecuador for the summer to work on my Spanish. I wasn’t sure what I thought about another overseas journey by myself, but as I prayed and sought counsel, God clearly directed me to go to Ecuador for the summer.
At that point however, I had already signed a contract at the school to teach English in the jr. high department. Since I already knew what I was doing that coming Fall, I did not understand how this trip to Ecuador “fit.” At the same time, I clearly saw God opening the doors for me to go. I had also begun to do an in-depth study on the book of Ruth with my dad. I was still challenged with how she followed God, even though she didn’t see how things were going to fit together. I was also becoming more aware of God’s sovereignty  through the study, seeing how He truly orchestrates all things. With all those thoughts running through my head, I went. 
The trip was amazing. I loved every minute of it. I loved being with the people and learning the culture and language in a deeper way. I never really missed home, which definitely surprised me. I realized I didn’t miss home because I felt like I was home. As soon as I thought about that, I remembered the prayer that I had prayed in Spain. I wondered if God was starting to answer that prayer.
When I returned to the States, I expressed to my family my wonderful experience, and my desire to return on a more permanent basis. That was a work of God because that idea was not even present before my trip. God was starting to show Himself to me in a whole new way.
I began praying about four specific areas- a job, visa, ministry, and a place to live. For the next five months I prayed daily about those areas. Then, this past Christmas break, my sister and I went to Ecuador.  The trip was such a blessing! We had a great time with family friends, but I wasn’t sure how God was going to lead. One day, in just a few short hours, I saw God start to answer prayer once again. I was able to visit a language institute where a lady explained the teaching positions to me. The school  only hires native English speakers, and they also include the intercultural visa for the teachers. On the way back from my semi-interview, my good friend expressed to me a desire to move out of her home but needed a roommate. She also explained to me how her uncle has a new church that could use some definite help. Before the morning was done, God had provided possibilities for all the areas I had been praying for-God was at work.
Needless to say when I returned home, I had a lot of things to look into and think through. As I continued to walk through all these doors, God continued to open them. 
        To keep from elongating this somewhat long post, God gave me the job! The one requirement that I still need to fulfill is to complete a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) course. As opposed to taking the course online, I am going to take the class at the school in Cuenca. It’s not the cheapest route, but I believe it will be the most beneficial as the class will prepare me in a more concrete way for this new teaching position. The class starts June 13, so I am leaving June 11. Yes I know that’s not too far away...I am excited and nervous about that. I am sure there are more details I could give, but I fear this is already too long. I would ask for your prayers as I walk through this path God has laid before me. I am not sure exactly where it will take me, but I know this is where He is calling me.

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