Sunday, December 16, 2012

Thoughts to Ponder

Currently I am sitting at my friend’s dining room table in Quito. I have a feeling the next couple of weeks will be pretty crazy, so I wanted to give you an update on life lately.

It’s officially been 6 months since I left home-hard for me to believe. As I look back, a lot has happened, and it’s hard to pen words to what God has taught me. First, I will catch up on a few stories in life, and then I will get back to this thought.

I officially finished my first cycle of teaching!  I was pretty excited last Saturday night to send in all of my grades and be done! I don’t go back until January 7th, so I am looking forward to the break. In the area of teaching, well I must say that’s been an adjustment too. My first two years of teaching I was able to pray and talk about spiritual applications all the time. I miss that. However, this way of teaching provides opportunities of different kinds. Although not many of my students have come to church, here and there God provides small ways to share the Gospel , for which I am thankful. Still, I miss the discipleship and ministry of teaching, and to be honest I am not sure what that means. I am trying to note and observe what God is showing me, but I am not always sure how to piece things together.

On a practical note, I have to move again. I have been living with a couple from church the last few months, and they have been very gracious to let me stay with them. A little bit ago they decided to move to a smaller place to simplify life, and I completely understand that. I started looking a little while ago, and at first I only got closed doors. Yet, God pointed me to an apartment, and I am thankful for His direction. For now, I will be living by myself, but I am praying for a roommate if that would please the Lord. God knows the details, and I can trust that He will do what is best.

I have mentioned a few times a girl named Mercy. I have been praying for her, although not as faithfully as I should be. By God’s grace conversations have increased and she told me she would do my Dad’s Bible study with me. She even asked me where she could buy a Bible¡ I gladly went out and bought her a Bible, and last Thursday we did the first study. I can see God’s Spirit moving in her heart, and I am thrilled to see what’s going to happen. It’s nothing of my abilities to be sure, and I was definitely nervous doing everything in Spanish, but God was faithful. As we were doing the study, the Spirit guided and encouraged and reminded me THIS is why I am here. I am not technically a missionary, but my dad taught me the heart of being a missionary. There’s a joy in truly sharing the Gospel with someone who is hungry for truth…a joy I can’t compare to anything else. I understand now why my dad is out almost every night sharing and sowing seeds.

On the topic of my dad, the Lord reminded me of a few other things through his example. Right now I am visiting a dear couple in Quito, George and Cris, and George use to go to my dad’s church in Cuenca. George is now in charge of the youth group at his church in Quito, and last night he put on a big event. He created an Oscar themed event where the teens could dress up, walk on a red carpet, and then receive nominations and awards from things over the years. As I watched the event unfold, I saw the fruits of my dad’s labor. My dad may be back in the States now, but his ministry still continues in Ecuador. Why? Because he made disciples. That’s what I hope can be said of me, however long God has me on this earth, that I made disciples for Christ in a way that clearly points back to Him. I am not concerned if people remember me or not, but I pray that I submit to Christ so that He can use my life in such a way.

I guess that ties into what God has been teaching me the past 6 months. I don’t think life every turns out exactly how we think or plan in our heads, which is good because it helps us see the work of God in our lives.  Being as it’s been 6 months since I have been gone, and I originally said I would be gone a year, the questions of my future plans has been a frequent topic. To be completely frank with you, I have no idea. My visa is good until May, but I would have to look into renewing it in March if I want to stay longer. My prayer is that God gives me clear reasons to stay or to go. Right now I just have a bunch of thoughts and questions in my head. If I stay, would I stay with the same job? Would I look for a different job? If I went home, what would I do? Would I try and do some more studies? I get a little lost in all of those questions sometimes. But at the end of the day, when God makes it clear to me what He wants, that I will do, whether I fully understand it or not. Why? Because He is my Shepherd and Protector. Those are two characteristics of God that I have come to know better in the last 6 months. God has protected me and guided in countless days. He’s provided places to live, sufficient money for what is needed, a church where I can serve and be encouraged and challenged, godly friends who give biblical counsel, and a lot more. These things push me to keep following what HE puts in my path, knowing that He has thought and planned everything out already.

This is kind of a mezcla (mix) of thoughts. I wrote that Spanish word without thinking about it, but then I figured I would translate. I do a lot of Spanglish these days. My list of unknowns continues, that is true; but they are only unknowns to me. God has it under control. What I do know is that my sister and dear friend Rosina are on a plane right now to come visit me! I am so thankful they are coming, and I want to enjoy the time God has given me with them. God will show me what I need to know when He sees fit.
I waited patiently and expectantly for the Lord; and He inclined to me and heard my cry.
 Psalm 40:1

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